About Us

Get to know who we are

What We're All About

The Marriage Centre is a marriage counselling institution founded by Davison Kanokanga, who is a registered legal practitioner with over 30 years experience who is a also a certified marriage counsellor with over 20 years experience and Gwendline Kanokanga who is a trained Minister of religion with over 30 years experience. We offer Pre-marital counselling and Marital Counselling services with a vision to build healthy marriages.

Learn Something Every Day

  • “Come, let’s be a comfortable couple and take care of each other! How glad we shall be, that we have somebody we are fond of always, to talk to and sit with.” — Charles Dickens
Our Vision

Building Healthy Marriages

Our Mission

1. To prevent bad marriages.
2. To strengthen good marriages.
3. To save troubled marriages.
4. To educate, motivate and empower. engaged and married couples to develop and maintain healthy marriages.

5. To increase the success rate of newly wed couples and reduce the divorce rate.
6. To provide biblical instruction regarding marriage
7. To provide pre-marriage and marriage counselling services.
8. To provide opportunities for fellowship for married couples.

Our Beliefs

1. Marriage is God's idea
2. Marriage is a gift from God
3. Structured and effective pre-marital counselling is a must
4. Marriage is a journey

5. God has a road map for marriage
6. Marriage is a covenant
7. Jesus is the healer of our lives and relationships
8. Jesus offers hope and healing to marriages
9. Divorce is a symptom of underlying problems 10. Divorce is not God's will for our lives

Comprehensive Curriculum

Our courses are designed to provide a comprehensive curriculum that covers all aspects of building and maintaining a strong and healthy marriage.

Expert Guidance

Our courses are led by experienced relationship experts who are dedicated to helping couples thrive in their marriages.

Interactive Learning

We believe in active engagement and experiential learning. Our courses incorporate interactive elements such as workshops, group discussions, and exercises that encourage couples to participate and apply what they learn.